Monday, March 11, 2019

How IMPACT is using video to connect personally with prospects

It’s no longer a secret that the use of video is transforming the world of business. While technological advances have helped with productivity and accessibility it’s cultivated an environment where we have fewer personal connections than ever.

Right now, less than 10% of sales teams are using video as a part of their sales strategy and connecting to prospects by spamming impersonal and irrelevant spray-and-pray messages just isn’t working anymore.

For the most successful sales teams video has become a vital tool to not only make that initial contact with a prospect but to create a personal connection and build a foundation of trust.

In a recent session during Vidyard’s Fast Forward 2018 Conference IMPACT’s Zach Basner and Myriah Anderson reveal some of the best practices and strategies you need to know to leverage video in your sales efforts. For IMPACT the real conversation isn’t about video but in fact trust

Prospecting With Video Is Changing The Landscape Of Sales

Sales teams who are incorporating video into their prospecting routine are seeing some fantastic results like 5x higher click-through rates and 8x higher open-to-response rates. It’s staggering numbers like these that are leading to the evolution of the sales landscape and leaving late adopters out in the cold.

Organizations who are ahead of the curve have quickly realized that simply using video as part of their outreach is not enough. The team at IMPACT is incorporating video into their sales cadence with the goal of adding value to the customer rather than jumping directly into a sales pitch.

IMPACT Live Outreach Results

  • Top 3 performing emails of 2018
  • 40% of people who clicked into the email watched the video
  • 91% that watched the video clicked through to a meeting link
  • 20 meetings booked in less than 24hrs

How To Be Successful With Video Prospecting

Never prospect without video: Video is a great way to stand out and cut through the noise, be on the forefront and don’t be left behind.

Offer value and advice: Don’t make it about you, in order to build a relationship you need to offer something of value in exchange for the prospect’s time.

Have a good understanding of your buyers: Your marketing team has most likely done plenty of research around your buyer personas, leverage that knowledge and mold your video prospecting strategy around that data.

Give one clear call to action: Have a clear path of where you want to guide the prospect, don’t overwhelm them with resources.

If you aren’t seeing results right away, don’t give up: Embrace the failure and learn from it, we don’t all become video rockstars overnight.

The First Impression Is The New Close

We all know that making a good first impression is important for any social interaction but how fast is that judgment made? It takes just 7 seconds to make that initial impression and the ultimate judgment comes from the human to human contact.

Putting a face to the name and adding a personal touch helps to break down the digital barrier. Including video in your outreach will maximize that short window opportunity and set yourself up as a top contender.

64-85% Increase in a viewers’ decision to buy after watching a video 

How To Be Successful With Your First Impression

1:1 Video: Whenever possible use a personalized video, leverage the prospects supplied information and use it to make a human connection.

Personalized Automation: When a 1:1 video isn’t feasible, use a pre-recorded automated response that is a more general response but still adds a personal touch.

Make it about them, not you: Reach out with the goal being to help the prospect overcome challenges and reach their goals.

Set clear expectations: A personalized video gives the prospect a good idea of what to expect during the call and allows them to be better prepared.

“You don’t have to be great on camera, you just have to be helpful.”

Spend Less Time Educating, and More Time Selling

Facing a constant stream of repeat questions is a challenge that all sales teams have to overcome. IMPACT has estimated that 70-90% of questions that come up in the initial appointment are the same questions every time. IMPACT uses a pre-recorded video solution that they call the “80% Video” that answers the most common questions before the initial call even takes place.

The 80% video effectively shortens the sales cycle by providing clear and concise answers to the most pressing questions and cutting down follow-up time dramatically. Video is also a vital tool for getting the information into the hands of decision makers.

Often, sales pitches are given to employees that aren’t even in a position to make the decision to move forward on the deal. The 80% video ensures that the information isn’t lost in translation when passed on to those who make the final decision. It also ensures that they are now familiar with your face, making that oh so important human connection.

In fact, a lot of these common questions are consistent across many different industries.

Video has become one of the most important tools in a sales teams arsenal. Cutting down the digital barrier by making a personal connection on which a foundation of trust can be built is of paramount concern.

Connecting with a prospect through the use of personalized video and adding pre-recorded video assets to the sales cadence are two tactics that are being used effectively at IMPACT.

Check out the full webinar here for a more in-depth look at what works for IMPACT.

The post How IMPACT is using video to connect personally with prospects appeared first on Vidyard.

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